Luxury Travel Tips and Advice

The Best Street Food in Cuba

There is much to choose from when it comes to street food in Cuba. There is no reason to waste 2 hours of a holiday in Cuba sitting in a restaurant, when you can safely explore a city or town while enjoying delicious street food. And mind you, there are amazing restaurants in Cuba! Cuba has an undeserved reputation as not the ideal destination for foodies. Decades of economic shortages and the impact of the…

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Tips and Advice

Ivan Chef Justo – a restaurant fit for a king

Over the last decade, Cuba has undergone a real gastronomic revolution and visitors to the island can now enjoy genuinely good food, prepared by celebrated chefs at relatively inexpensive prices. However, few, if any of the restaurants and “paladares” available compare to Ivan Chef Justo which has a burgeoning reputation as being Cuba’s best place to eat.

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Nature and Exploration

Finca Vista Hermosa – a wholly organic, rural experience a stone’s throw from Havana’s bustling city centre

You don’t have to venture beyond Havana to enjoy a rural experience in a countryside setting where you can sample fresh organic food and take in the most glorious views. Finca Vista Hermosa in Bacuranao, found within the little-trodden municipality of Guanabacoa, is a fresh of breath air for those seeking a drastic change of scenery and a respite from Havana’s hubbub.

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Nature and Exploration Tips and Advice

Finca Tungasuk: a million mile stone’s throw from Havana

Finca Tungasuk, an organic farm on the outskirts of Havana, offers its clientele a level of relaxation and quality of food that’s hard to compare with other Cuban establishments. The proprietors provide a totally organically produced menu straight from their farm, and when the ingredients are prepared by a chef who was professionally trained in Paris, the results are sumptuous and unique.

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Tips and Advice

Visit Cuba and join the Cuban Food Revolution

Cuba is currently being roused from its gastronomical slumber by waking up to the sunny morning of a foodie revolution. Recent government reforms and regulation relaxations have given Cubans easier access to long sought-after ingredients previously unavailable, and they’re digging out old recipes of haute cuisine long forgotten since the Golden Age of the early 20th Century. As a country well known for its revolutions, here’s one you can finally get your teeth into.

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